Support our mission by participating in our events
By participating in our events, you are collaborating with us in our mission. Proceeds from our events fund essential projects such as the basic formation of our brothers or the care of our elderly members. Each fundraiser has a particular purpose. Please look through the upcoming events and join us!

Upcoming Fundraising Events:
Agradeciendo a Nuestros Sacerdotes
In thanksgiving to our priests. C E N A B A I L E brought to you by the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Event Details Date Saturday, November 16, 2024 Time 5:30 pm – 11:00 pm Doors Open at 5:30 pmDinner Served from 6:00 pm-7:30 pmDance to follow dinner Where St. Maria Goretti Parish Hall3954 Palo Verde AveLong Beach, CA 90808 Get…
Our Lady of Grace Kermes 2024
Do you like great food and live music in a fun atmosphere? Great! You are invited to Our Lady of Grace Church for a Kermes (festival) to support the ministries of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit. Event details Date Sunday, September 29, 2024 Time 8:00am to 2:00pm Where Our Lady of Grace Church5011 White…
A Masquerade Gala Dinner and Concert
Join the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit for our Noche de Gala, a dinner concert featuring international opera singer José Bernardo Rubio with special guests. The Gala will have the theme of a masquerade ball and will be a memorable night of operatic, sacred, and Latin music inspired by the charismatic roots of the Missionaries…